HyperWrite is an extension of what Fred Di Marco originally did in his Text Writer stack, which he very considerately made “free for all to use, alter or distribute.” Chunks of Text Writer code (especially in regard to file handling and other basic operations of the stack) appear here virtually unchanged. Thanks, Fred! It was nice to not have to re-invent the wheel.
The most obvious differences between HyperWrite and Text Writer are in the areas of printing and user interface. However, there are a number of more subtle changes and new features as well, so, even if
you’ve used Text Writer, please take a minute to review the instructions so you can get the most out of HyperWrite.
This stack is distributed with a stack called "Address Button," which, when the appropriate button is clicked, will automatically install a “HyperWrite Link” button into Apple's "Address" stack, allowing you to automatically address a HyperWrite letter to anyone in that stack. If you are using a different address stack, the script to the button should be easy to modify so that it will work with whatever you're using. If you have a problem, let me know and I'll try to help.
This stack is also being distributed with another program, “HyperWrite Printer.” It is necessary that that file be placed into the same folder as your HyperCard program for one of HyperWrite’s printing functions to operate correctly. I may build that function into a future version of HyperWrite, but until then...
This stack may be freely distributed, however it is not public domain. It may not be sold, or distributed in any manner that is designed to create profit for the distributor, without my permission. Please remember to include the HyperWrite Printer file and Address button with any copy you give away. And please let me know what you think of this stack!